Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Hello out there... August D'Lish Scraps August Cybercrop.

Not sure anybody reads this blog anymore but I've been reading through some old posts and comments and got a little nostalgic about how 'into' blogging I was a few years ago and saw peoples names I hadn't seen in ages and thought what a wonderful community it was.  Alas it dropped by the wayside as things do in our lives as work and families situations dictate.

Lately I've been feeling really good and happy about my scrapping and creating in general.  I've been taking part in some challenges for the first time in well over a year and it feels good.  Connecting with communitites of like minded people and just generally feeling free to create whatever the heck I wanted to. The result - well I love the last half dozen pages I've created.  

So below are a couple of fun pages I created for the August D'lish scraps cybercrop.

One thing I've felt over the past year is that my journalling on pages has been sadly lacking and I'm happy to get back into documenting something a little more meaningful.  Note to self! - Must remember why I started scrapbooking in the beginning.  Memory Keeping!

Thanks so much if you are one of the few who has stopped my blog lately much appreciated. 


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